The education and consulting industry has undergone constant development in recent years. Particularly further education topics such as the increasing digitalization in all areas of work and life as well as the associated consulting topics in companies require qualified specialists and managers. Therefore, successors are often sought who bring both the professional know-how in education or in the specific consulting segment and at the same time face the current challenges in the digital education and consulting market - after all, you too want to be sure that your company as well as your employees and customers are in experienced hands, who at the same time are dedicated to modern topics and ensure that the company portfolio never loses momentum.
Number of employees: Not published
Sales: Not published
Price: Not published
Created on: 07.09.2024
Today we are currently looking for a language, training, further education and tutoring school near Koblenz, Boppard, in general, these regions...
Number of employees: up to 10
Sales: up to 250.000 €
Price: Not published
Created on: 14.07.2024
Experienced education manager with in-depth expertise in languages is looking for a language institute with a focus on German as a foreign language as well as other educational offerings...
Number of employees: up to 10
Sales: Not published
Price: Not published
Created on: 19.12.2023
I'm looking for an educational provider this way...
Number of employees: Not published
Sales: Not published
Price: Not published
Created on: 03.12.2023
As a language teacher with many years of experience in the field of DaF and adult education, I would now like to take a further step and am therefore looking for a language school located in NRW, ideally in the Ruhr area...
Number of employees: Not published
Sales: 1.000.000 - 5.000.000 €
Price: Not published
Created on: 05.09.2023
The nursing school should have been active for at least 5 years and have solid cooperation with nursing providers. There should be a minimum of 70 students and a permanent team of care educators with school management...
Number of employees: up to 10
Sales: 1.000.000 - 5.000.000 €
Price: 500.000 €
Created on: 17.04.2023
Looking for active participation in an educational institution that offers further training/training/qualification with subsequent job search. I have many years of experience in advising refugees and newcomers. In addition, I have in-depth knowledge of the funding instruments of the...
Number of employees: Not published
Sales: Not published
Price: Not published
Created on: 02.02.2023
GmbH is looking for a stake in a consulting company specializing in purchasing, logistics and supply chain. The company should already be active on the market and generating sales...
Number of employees: up to 10
Sales: up to 250.000 €
Price: 100.000 €
Created on: 10.08.2022
Looking for active participation in craft and / or online trade. The company should already have stable sales and profits and be interested in an active participation. Companies from southern Germany would be preferred, but not a requirement. Investment up to 100,000 EUR..
Number of employees: up to 10
Sales: up to 250.000 €
Price: Not published
Created on: 01.04.2022